Americas Markets - Latest Developments

Stony Brook, NY, January 20, 2022

Network Innovations has acquired ground systems integrator STS Global Inc., Over the years, STS Global has provided services to connect clients in remote locations, transmit crucial data, provide secure networks, and more to ensure reliable services anywhere on earth.

Long Beach, Calif., January 18, 2022

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) (“ today announced it has closed the previously-announced transaction to acquire SolAero Holdings, Inc. (SolAero), a supplier of space solar power products and precision aerospace structures for the global aerospace market, for US$ 80 million in cash.

Rocket Lab announced the execution of the agreement to acquire SolAero on December 13, 2021 pending certain closing conditions. 

London, UK, January 15, 2022 -- by Martin Jarrold

My choice of title for this month’s column is but a mirror to the complexities of what is to many, but certainly not to all, the rather remote topic of satellite regulation. If perhaps rather obscure, satellite regulation is something we certainly cannot do without; utter chaos would follow from its absence.

Los Angeles, Calif., January 15, 2022 by Virgil Labrador, Editor-in-Chief

We begin 2022 entering the 25th month of the global COVID-19 pandemic, with yet a new variant of the virus wreaking havoc on recovery plans worldwide.  I can only describe the times we live in as Charles Dickens did in a "Tale of Two Cities" that "these are the best of times and these are the worst of times. " And yet there is a lot to be optimistic about 2022 and beyond.  Just to provide some perspective, the number of satellites launched in 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic is almost equal to all the satellites launched in the previous three decades. 

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 13, 2022

On December 28, HISPASAT agreed to acquire from Telemar 19.04% of the shareholding of its Brazilian subsidiary HISPAMAR Satélites, after obtaining the necessary permits and authorizations from the Brazilian government. Consequently, HISPASAT will hold 100% of its subsidiary's share capital.

Paris, France, January 10, 2022

Euroconsult has released its annual “Space Economy report” report for 2021. In its latest edition, Euroconsult estimates that the global space economy totaled US$ 370 Billion in 2021. This number consists of:

• The space market (US$337 Billion in 2021) which includes commercial space revenues and government procurement for their space activities contracted to the private sector.

​​​​​​​The January-February 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  is now available.  Featuring: Industry Trends to Watch in 2022  by Virgil Labrador Risks and Benefits of Venture Capital for Space Firms by Rotoiti Consulting Show Report: World Satellite Business Week by Elisabeth Tweedie Regulatory Imperatives in the Disaster Response Ecosystem​  by Martin Jarrold Satellites and Climate: "Embalm, Cremate, Bury at Sea..." by Lou Zacharilla PLUS Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. 
New York City, January 7, 2022 -- by Lou Zacharilla

 A man receives a telegram reporting the death of his mother-in-law and asks for instructions. He immediately replies back: “Embalm, cremate, bury at sea. Take no chances!” One defining feature of the space and satellite industry is that it knows how to take risks but does not take chances. 

​​​​​​​The December 2021 Year in Review issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Gazprom Space Systems is now available.  Featuring: The Most Significant Storylines in 2021  by Virgil Labrador Taiwan: A Serious and Up-and-Coming Player in the Space Industry by Aurélie Gillet Executive Spotlight: Igor Kot, Deputy Secretary-General, Gazprom Space Systems Company Spotlight: ND SATCOM: Flexibility, Agility and Resilience  A Year to Remember and A Year Ahead​  by Martin Jarrold In Skynet We Trust by Robert Bell PLUS Products Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more.