Asia-Pacific Markets - Latest Developments

National Harbor, MD, Septebmer 8, 2021
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Los Angeles, Calif., September 6, 2021 Virgil Labrador, Editor-in-Chief

As with many industries, the satellite industry has not been spared the effects of  the global COVID-19 pandemic which hit the world over a year and a half ago. The pandemic has drastically disrupted supply chains and practically shut down key market segments for satellite such as in-flight connectivity and some key segments of the maritime sector such as  the cruise ship business.  Some key installations and contracts were delayed due to travel restrictions.

National Harbor, Maryland, September 6, 2021 by Martin Jarrold

Welcome to National Harbor, in-person or virtually!  In my previous column for Satellite Markets & Research I included reference to some details of the SATELLITE 2021 ( conference program, an event comprising both digital and in-person content and featuring two panel sessions to be hosted by GVF.

The July-August  2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Asia-Pacific Satellite Market is now available.  Featuring: The Asia-Pacific Satellite Market by Omkar Nikam The Satcom Industry in China: Accelerating to 'China Speed' by Blaine Curcio Executive Roundtable on Satellites and 5G "I Think You are on Mute"  by Lou Zacharilla The Road to National Harbor by Martin Jarrold PLUS Products and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more.
Los Angeles, Calif., August 27, 2021 by Elisabeth Tweedie

There is absolutely no doubt that the Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing business.  Whether we’re consciously aware of it or not, digital transformation is impacting all aspects of daily life.  Connected devices are becoming pervasive; from refrigerators that let you know when you’re going to run out of milk, to sensors monitoring the moisture content of soil; from self-driving cars, to tags tracking the movement of containers, across oceans and continents.  A recent study from Fortune Business Insights projected that the global IoT market would reach US$ 1,854.76 Billion by 2028

London, UK, December 4, 2020 by Elisabeth Tweedie

“And now for something completely different.”  Words first uttered by John Cleese in 1971, and repeated by Lorraine Whitfield, Chief Events and Marketing Officer, Euroconsult, at the opening of this year’s World Satellite Business Week.  Words that sum up, not only this conference, being the first time that WSBW has been a virtual conference, but words that also sum up this year for most of us.   

London, UK, August 12, 2021

Hanwha, a South Korean Fortune 500, global technology and manufacturing company has announced a US $300 million equity investment by its subsidiary Hanwha Systems in OneWeb, the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications company.  This investment brings OneWeb’s total equity investment since November 2020 to US $ 2.7 Billion with no debt issuance. The investment is expected to be completed in the first half of 2022, subject to regulatory approvals.

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, August 11, 2021

Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PJSC  listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (“ADX”) under (SYMBOL: YAHSAT) (ISIN: AEA007501017), oday announced its financial results for the period 1st half 2021 ended 30 June 2021. In its first announcement after the successful completion of its initial public offering (the "IPO")  on 14 July 2021, Yahsat reported robust financial performance for the first half of 2021, showing strong results across all operating segments.

Petah Tikva, Israel – August 10, 2021

Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. (NASDAQ: GILT, TASE: GILT), a worldwide leader in satellite networking technology, solutions and services, today reported its results for the second quarter of 2021. Highlights include (all figures in US$):