AXESS Contributes to ESA Project

Barcelona, Spain, March 1, 2021

AXESS Networks, a global provider of satellite-based communications solutions, contributes to the development and implementation of the Unified Communication Services Manager (UCSM), a procurement platform for satellite services that supports governmental satellite communication requirements and intends to simplify the purchasing process. The project and contract are carried out under a program of and funded by the European Space Agency (ESA).

AXESS is part of a consortium that is led by the prestigious space sector CGI Germany. The fact that CGI with its partners have been awarded this assignment is a confirmation of the previous long-standing and successful cooperation with ESA.

Dirk Nohlen, CTO of AXESS Networks Solutions Germany, states “The designated consortium presents the complete satellite communications provision eco chain. We are proud to be part in designing and building the UCSM platform and therewith contributing to a lean and transparent process in the provision of satellite communication services and infrastructure when it is needed the most: in uncertain and critical situations that governmental service providers are often faced with.”

"To make this project and platform a success for our client ESA, we were looking for the best possible setup and expertise in systems & software engineering and integration” explains Ulli Leibnitz, Head of SPACE Germany at CGI, and adds “The complementary satellite service provider expertise from AXESS will allow us to fully investigate, understand and address user and service provider requirements of the platform. We welcome that AXESS joined our consortium at an early stage and to make this project a joint success.”

Elodie Viau, ESA Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications, said “ESA is extremely pleased to enable continuous investment in the development of highly innovative solutions and services by European and Canadian manufacturers and operators. ESA is committed to develop initiatives in support of the European commercial satellite telecommunications industry and generate pioneering technology in this domain for the benefit of Europe’s worldwide competitiveness. This project with AXESS and CGI represents a new step of a long-standing effort in that endeavour.”

The project starts in Q4 2020 and is scheduled to be completed in Q4 2022.

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